Ismail ZAHIRIsmail ZAHIR's Portfolio

Centralization and Classification of New York City Traffic

Web portal for analyzing and visualizing traffic centrality in NYC, developed during Object/IoT Technologies workshop.

Web Portal

Project Overview

Developed as part of the Object/IoT Technologies workshop, web portal crafted to analyze and visualize traffic centrality within the bustling urban landscape of New York City.

Project Details

React.js, Leaflet, React-Leaflet, Bootstrap, JSON, Python, AGNES, Docker
Feb 2024 - Mar 2024
  • Ismail ZAHIRSoftware Engineering Student at FST Mohammedia - UH2C
  • Khaoula ABASSISoftware Engineering Student at FST Mohammedia - UH2C
  • Mohamed JEBBANEMASoftware Engineering Student at FST Mohammedia - UH2C
  • El Mehdi Salah BEN SOUDASoftware Engineering Student at FST Mohammedia - UH2C
  • - Dynamic map visualization with zoom and pan functionalities.
  • - Filterable data based on year, month, day, and time slots.
  • - Color-coded clusters to represent different traffic flows.
  • - Detailed information on traffic flow accessible via map markers.
  • - Responsive design for optimal viewing on desktop and mobile devices.
  • - Multi-language support for a global audience.